Quick update because it’s late …
Siding is now finished on front (west) and south side, and moving along on back/east side. If weather doesn’t ‘interrupt’, siding could finish this week.
All the interior window trim is installed, and much of the door trim.
All but 3 of the interior doors are installed, and the rest should be done this week.
New roof on whole building scheduled to be installed Tuesday 5/21.
Electricians return next Wednesday 5/23 to finish all their work … finish installing rest of lights (mostly outside, after siding done, but also in ceiling in covered portion of deck).
Concrete pad poured under deck – to facilitate bring pallets of wine into basement.
And on the wine side .. the ‘interim tasting room’ in the vineyard barn is open 11-6 Thurs/Fri/Saturday.
And in the next week or two we’ll be bottling 10 different wines from the 2023 harvest … whites and rose .. including two ‘bubblies’ … and our first issue of Rkatsiteli.
And the much waited for ‘Betty’s Blend White’ named after my mom, with her picture on the front label! Blend of Chardonnay, Riesling, Gewurztraminer and Rkatsiteli!